
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Roman nut tart

400 g crushed nuts - almonds, walnuts or pistachios
200 g pine nuts
100 g honey
100 ml dessert wine
4 eggs
100 ml full-fat sheep's milk
1 tsp salt or fish sauce

Preheat oven to 240 C/475 F. Place the chopped nuts and the whole pine nuts in an oven dish and roast until they have turned golden. Reduce the oven temperature to 200 C/400 F. Mix the honey and the wine in a pan and bring to a boil, then cook until the wine has evaporated. Add the nuts and pine nuts to the honey and leave it to cool. Beat the eggs with the milk, salt or fish sauce and pepper. The stir the honey and nut mixture into the eggs. Oil an oven dish and pour in the nut mixture. Seal the dish with aluminum foil and place it in a roasting pan filled about a third deep with water. Bake for about 25 minutes until the pudding is firm. Take it out and when it is cold put it into the fridge to chill. To serve, tip the tart on to a plate and pout over some boiled honey and port.

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